General Wolfe Statue, Greenwich Park
Case Study
Studmarc was approached by a landscape architect from Royal Parks for an anti-skate solution with two main goals: to protect the newly constructed seating and to match the developed aesthetic of the area. Their project was centred around providing an attractive viewing area at the Grade II listed General Wolfe Statue, in Greenwich Park, overlooking the London cityscape.
Challenge #1
The Royal Parks architects were tasked to find a suitable anti-skate design which would deter skaters in such a prestigious area whilst allowing the public to sit comfortably and enjoy the surroundings.
Product Solution
The Lozenge stud was the preferred design for this project. The internal radius matched the wall edge, allowing an exact fit whilst providing sufficient coverage on both the wall edge and top. This was the perfect solution to prevent skaters from grinding along and causing damage.
The studs were installed at 500mm centres as specified by the manufacturer. This provided enough room to amply seat multiple people, those who were looking to rest comfortably, without any interference or discomfort from the anti-skate studs.
Challenge #2
The second part of the brief was to ensure the studs flattered the project aesthetics. Within the immediate area, the renowned Royal Observatory and the Planetarium are complimented with newly installed sandy yellow and dulcet grey pavers, with black wrought iron features making a statement in the form of railings, tree grilles, and benches.
Aesthetic Solution
To compliment the black contrasting notes, Royal Parks required the anti-skate studs to be coloured black. This was possible through the bespoke design service Studmarc offers. The aluminium studs were created and finished with a black anodised coating, which allowed the studs to match the scenery nicely, whilst also becoming a feature themselves.
With both of the project specifications achieved, the contract was awarded to Blakedown Landscapes. Blakedown required the studs to be manufactured in short order to meet the tight timelines for the monument area to open to the public.
The studs were installed as per the recommendations of Studmarc and have seamlessly blended into the surrounding area while providing the much-needed protection from vandalism. This gave confidence that the viewing point can be enjoyed by visitors for many years to come.
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