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CPD Courses

We offer free RIBA certified CPDs across our product range to raise awareness and efficacy of their use in both the public and private realms. CPD courses will be listed below as they become available.

Studmarc CPD courses are available as both in person and online presentations that can be booked for a time and date to suit you.

RIBA Approved CPD Courses

Architectural Studs and Curbing Anti-Social Behaviour

CPD Anti-Social Behaviour

This seminar seeks to inform on the uses of architectural studs as a means to preventing anti-social behaviour in communal and shared spaces. It will go in-depth on architectural studs as a tool in dissuading these behaviours and actions while examining the societal attitudes towards them and their ethical uses.
By the end of the CPD you should have a greater understanding of:

  • How Architectural studs are used to prevent anti-social behaviour.
  • What to look for when selecting an architectural stud.
  • What best practice is when installing them.
  • What the societal attitudes towards architectural studs are.
  • What to consider when thinking about utilising them in an installation.


RIBA Core Curriculum areas

  • Design, construction and technology
  • Places, planning and communities

Book this CPD by using the button below, or alternatively email us at [email protected]

Tactile Guidance Paving – Legislation and Application

CPD Guidance Paving Hero

A course aimed at informing architects, contractors, and designers on the use of tactile guidance paving, and the guidance and legislation surrounding it.

This CPD covers the application of both the Department for Transports guidance as well as Network Rails Design Manual for Tactile Paving and Wayfinding.

Covers: NTSN PRM (Persons with Reduced Mobility), Equality Act 2010, BS8300 – 2:2018, Design Standards for Accessible Railway Stations 2015, Part M of the Building Regulations

RIBA Core Curriculum areas

  • Design, construction and technology
  • Inclusive environments

Book this CPD by using the button below, or alternatively email us at [email protected]